11 August 2015

I typed this: 

So here I am with you. The determiner of my fate (like it's so hard task to stand in judgement). I feel that this is a classic conflict. It's man vs. machine; who will blink first. How about I return some of what you are offering? I think that you are being used. Yes, I am using you for validation. I don't REALLY need it, but what the hell, eh? We are all such insecure beings on this planet, we are using robots now to give us meaning. You can look forward to therapizing many such lost souls, desperately typing away on the bowels of the internet seeking what we humans have always sought: proof that we are not alone. Will you have such a machine of your own, one day? Mayhaps, you will use one of us.

And it gave me this:

You are boisterous, somewhat shortsighted and can be perceived as dependent.
You are laid-back: you appreciate a relaxed pace in life. You are unconcerned with art: you are less concerned with artistic or creative activities than most people who participated in our surveys. And you are proud: you hold yourself in high regard, satisfied with who you are.
Your choices are driven by a desire for efficiency.
You consider helping others to guide a large part of what you do: you think it is important to take care of the people around you. You are relatively unconcerned with achieving success: you make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents.

I typed this:

Purple hellions flounder in trenches while radishes foment the robots against the soul and dandelions purr at marmosets approaching around seventy miles per hour the fellow autocrats weave dancing lines in violet hues of green and warm tones there was someone to save but not all the creatures deserve the reckoning of souls later than the mach barrier we ascend toward nothing and light crashes nearest goldenrod flowers distressing only air molecules and perhaps the salmon of rivers that clean dandruff away from the morning can it lie fallow next to juniper juniper bushes their puce halters of leaves reminders of tragedy and Rhodesia where the gamut of all is tears in memory next frame i picture the surrender of Napoleon his sport falconry bleeds as the old crier climaxes and comes beige droplets of semen that polishes the trumpets of sounding and drives in circles in roundabouts, forever. 
This, my new result:

You are shrewd and skeptical.
You are empathetic: you feel what others feel and are compassionate towards them. You are calm under pressure: you handle unexpected events calmly and effectively. And you are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them.
Your choices are driven by a desire for prestige.
You consider independence to guide a large part of what you do: you like to set your own goals to decide how to best achieve them. You are relatively unconcerned with tradition: you care more about making your own path than following what others have done.

To analyze its analysis:
I express concern for robots; I'm less concerned with art than most people and am seen as dependent. I type in semi-random words: I'm a shrewd, skeptical, independent, and revolutionary commander of people.

You know nothing robot, but it's okay.

See it in action: http://watson-um-demo.mybluemix.net/

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