24 August 2008

time outta mind

He darted between walls, keeping his cover. It was night now, much easier to maneuver and remain undetected by anyone. To him this should have been his Birthday. Being dislocated in time made it unclear. This distant future, was a bit of a sticky place to have a birthday party. Having no friends here made it even harder. He would be hunted here by many, if discovered.

Keeping his mind in the moment he came to a sticky crossing. A wide avenue separated him from his destination. Carefully he lurked in the nearest shadow studying the layout and patterns of what appeared to be motorized vehicles. A sudden bizarre fantasy occurred to him; what the DMV was like here.

Quickly he shook off his daydreaming. It was nigh the time for woolgathering.
Resuming his survey, he noticed a lengthening in the shadows from the far corner wall of the alley, where he lurked. He carefully backpedaled himself into the full cover of alley.

A strange creature slowly crossed the alley's gap. It strolled on two legs, slightly swinging its arms in opposition as it continued forward in its gait. Yet, the strangest thing was that the only fur visible was a tiny patch atop this creature's head. And then the creature passed out of his sight.

He crouched low, careful to keep his weight balanced among his legs and carefully crept forward back into view of the street. As he approached the street he noticed that all traffic had disappeared. The only thing he was able to see was the lone figure continuing away from him.

Now. He stood up straight locking his top knees, and sprinted across the open avenue, into another alley and onward to the safety of the abandoned building where he kept his nest.

One more week, one more hunt, he would be heading home.

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