17 June 2008

The raspberry question answered...

There was time, when the world was young, that the Greenie faeries ruled. It was known to the rulers that the oppressed fae resented their masters.

One day in the early part of spring in the northwestern hemisphere. A Blue faerie was picking berries as was his slave job, his chains jingling with every step, he came across a new berry patch he had never seen before.

This patch had seemingly grown up overnight. It was a type of berry this faerie had never seen before; a beautiful blue and bubbly berry.

Cautiously he tried one. Delicious.

Along came an overseer Greenie.

'What are you doing there, Blue?', the Greenie yelled viciously.

A remarkable thing happened, when the Blue began to speak. Instead of his normally craven speaking voice, his voice changed and became deeper.

'None of your business!', the Blue exclaimed vigorously.

The Greenie was taken aback, never had a Blue spoken to Greenie so fiercely. He was frightened so he ran.

The berries had made the Blue brave. But there was a side effect. The Blue started getting bigger and bigger, smarter and smarter and then turned a lovely shade of brilliant red.

So he became the first red faerie. Up until now, no Blue had been given a name. They didn't realize that they needed one. When the first red got smart enough he asked himself, if all the Greenies have names, why shouldn't I?

So he listened. He shackles had burst but where still hanging off his legs. As he walked they made a small sound.
-RaspRasp- with one step.
-Rasp- with another.
He decided his name was Rasp.

After freeing his former brothers, Rasp became King of all faeries. His first decree was to make his berries slightly less powerful, Rasp being a wise man now, didn't want the berries to fall into the wrong hands.

When the magic was woven, the berries became smaller and sweeter and red.

Since then magicians throughout time has tried in vain to restore the power of Rasp's Berry, failing every time but producing many delicious fruit flavors, all of which are blue.

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