30 April 2008


Blueberries and robin's eggs share the same color, in a world without intensity.


29 April 2008


There is no time like the present to do anything, except when my time has past and I am left standing in rain.

Sometimes water runs dry. Mostly it flows, following, no, creating it own landscape leaving its slow wave of mutilation as scars on our parents.

Were you a child left standing in class, in school, at times when you should have been playing at fool? Did you became dependent on the thoughts of others?

I am glad I found my fool, for it took a far too long.


28 April 2008

The door opens. 'Who is it' he asks silently, almost creeping up the stairs like this wasn't his own house. The gentle sound of breathing is the only reply he receives. His ears perk up and quite gracefully he sneaks up the last remaining stairs.

Treading softly on his soft forest green carpet he makes not a sound. Then with a step, -creak- and the game is over. She pounces from behind him, and he has lost this round.


27 April 2008


Sleep that's where I'm a Viking! Really? No, but sometimes I dream of being a detective.

I am Hunting. Down the scofflaws of society, with roguish intensity, and a cheap suit; all to pay for my alcohol and methadone problem, yet finding the air of righteousness in a otherwise cruel and banal world. I am hypocrisy in the flesh, then finally, united with the one.

I am floating in the ether now, drifting towards; I don't know a thing about dreams cause I am always often floating in the other realm of loneliness and futility.

Hmmm... darkness before sleep how comforting.


26 April 2008

Thoughts on Being Awake.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck a duck

Aw, cumber buns!


wondering pondering...

I am often struck by words. Why do words mean what they mean? Who thought of the rules. I know they evolved from shit such as environmental factors, but I wonder how chaos plays into it, like the first one who thought of the word for mother.

Ma is easy, we make the sound without really trying, so i guess I'm wondering wasn't that mother a little presumptuous?

Maybe that infant was looking up at something cool like the aliens.


25 April 2008

maybe not so much...

finding a good place to land a helicopter in traffic can be a challenge to the mango eating powers of a madmen. because, and this is the essential point, what does a mango have to do with flying a helicopter and why should i land in traffic and not on the roof where i'm supposed to?



Doo doo.. do do do...

from swedish porn to... 'The Muppet Show'.

Damn! It's stuck in my head now.
